Benefits for the agrotourism business |
Benefits for customers |
Flexibility to adapt to tendencies and seasons (Christmas, Valentines, summer). |
Access to a wider range of leisure and tourism options that, without social media presence, would have been impossible to be reached. |
Direct contact and interaction – builds trust in the business as clients can remove doubts / solve problems directly with the business owners. |
Customisation of services. The client can access information in their own language, and be informed before booking how their trip can be customised to the user’s taste – you should include your customizable options in your webpage and social media.
Direct communication with the service provider. Customers can settle their doubts. |
Competitiveness with large tourism companies. |
They can easily reach a wider variety of tourism options. |
Globally offer agrotourism business services. |
Access to a worldwide service offer. It is easier to find something that matches your preferences as customer. |
Possibility to better target your customers. Online publishing resources are easily adaptable and dynamic, making it possible to define the type of customer you are addressing, adapt our messages to cultural tendencies, languages, etc. |
Easier to catch our client attention |
Services can be booked 24/365, making our business accessible to every part of the world. |